winrunner q's..(if winrunner
1.explain types of recording modes? winrunner recognize GUI objects?
3.what is there in GUI map editor?
4.explain types of checkpoints?
5.syncronization point?
6.diff. between wait st. and synchornization?
7.diff.between is treturn & texit?
8.diff between tl_step and report_msg?
9.what is data driven test?
10how we parameterize the variable?
11.some ddt commands?
12.why we need to automate ?
13.explain database checkpoints with connectivity?
14.diff..between compiler module and main script?
15.expain in,out,inout parameters?
16.function generator?
17. Search path,breakpoints?
18.diff between step,step in,step out?

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winrunner q's..(if winrunner 1.explain types of recording modes? winrunner recognize G..

Answer / alchemist

Ans 1. There is basically two types of recording in QTP
a) High level recording
b) Low level recording

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winrunner q's..(if winrunner 1.explain types of recording modes? winrunner recognize G..

Answer / ali asgar

1. There are two mode available in Win Runner
a)Context sestive mode:- It is based on object and with
your action like any key press or mouse click.
b)Analog Mode:- It is based on mouse movment or based on
X,Y coordinate

2. GUI map editor recognize the object by reading it's
physical attributes by which it recognize object.

3. GUI map editor is dictonary of object it has collection
of each object's physical attributes by which it can uniqly
identify and also it's logical name.

4. There are four check points in WR
a) Windows Object check point
b) Database check point
c) Bitmap check point
d) Text check point

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