we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor
.exe file is created in both the processors. if we want to
run .exe file in 64 bit processor which is created in 32 bit
processor. is that .exe file is run or not if it is not run why?

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we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor .exe file is created in both the processo..

Answer / sasmita lenka

it l run

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor .exe file is created in both the processo..

Answer / anil

64-bit OS usually comes up with 32-bit emulations also.
That's why we will be able to run 32-bit app on a 64-bit OS.

More precisely 64-bit architecture is a super-set of 32-bit.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor .exe file is created in both the processo..

Answer / sagar

no it wont

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor .exe file is created in both the processo..

Answer / harinadhbabu


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