difference between funds flow and cash flow

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / piya

fund flow:It is based on wider concept of funds i.e.
Working capital. It reveals the sources and applications of

Cash flow: It is based on narrower concept of funds i.e.
cash. It is prepared by taking the opening balance of cash
adding to this all the inflows of cash and deducting the
outflows of cash. The difference represents the closing
balance of cash.

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / anu

Funds flow means movement of funds
funds means working capital
funds flow statement shows sources and application of funds
It has to prepare to know the financial position of a
company for two balance sheet dates.

Cash flow statement which describes the inflows and out
flows of cash and cash equivalents for two balance sheet dates.
It has to be prepare to know the cash position of a company
between two balance sheet dates

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / v.naga jyothi

Funds flow statement: This statement has to be prepared to
show the change in the assets and liabilities from the end
of another period of time.
Cash flow statement: This statement is prepared to the show
the inflows and out flows of cash based on balance sheet

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / satish sirikonda

funds flow statement indicate what is the Financial position
of the company. and
cash flow statement indicates what is the changes in the cash

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / nagaveni.c

Funds Flow means Funds represent working capital and flow
represent changes. Changes in working capital between the
dates of two balance sheets

Cash Flow means changes in cash position between the dates
of two balance sheets. it also indicate the short term debt
paying ability

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difference between funds flow and cash flow..

Answer / rajesh

Fund flow means incoming and outgoing payments in any manner
like cheque, cash etc

Cash flow means incoming and outgoing payments only through
liquid cash

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