What is the difference between function testing and system
testing ?
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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / amit puranik

hello friends,

here is the question is diff between functional and system
testing right?

all answers are right..but u are getting confused.
in functional testing we are just testing the
functionality...no maters what testing technique being used.

system testing include complete testing process,smoke,
sanity then regression, then UAT.

Amit Puranik

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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / muralidhar kotti

In System testing the objective is to make sure that the
system is working as defined in the base line document and
its interfaces with other upstream and down stream systems.

where as in functional testing we will be testing the
functionality is appropriate or not. e.g: interest
calculation, EMI calculation etc

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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / tanvi


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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / swetha

System testing : Testing is done by QA is Sysytem testing,Testing of fully complete integrated s/w i.e functional requirements particularly satisfies all client requiremnets..under sysytem testing we follow many types of testing.

7.browser ,cross broeser compatability,security
9.high availability

then UAT



Functional testing :testing the s/w indepth& detail

for ex: www.google.com

1s you enter valid data in username,pw..the features /functions of gamil..inbox,composemail,spam,circle....will tested here deply means how they are working and working propely or not by giving valid,invali data ...mets the client require or not.

This is a part of sysytem testing..if any error found report to developers team and 1s they fixed you will test retest ang regression...and so on..

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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / deepak

Readers ,

I give you all examples :
I got one process which has 3 programs in it , say i use
Program 1 > inputs to > Program 2 > inputs to > program 3 .
Functional testing :I will test functionality of Program 1,
2 and 3 each seperately.

System Testing : I test how Program 1 inputs to Program 2
then Program 2 to Program 3 and finally my motive is
achieved performing all above.So in this i test the
functionality of system as a whole.

we might use different TECHNIQUES for both Func. and System

Hope i am clear with my response and make sense.


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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / chabs

Functional testing is testing the individual components(,its
features) whether they work as per the requirement or not.
Ex: To test that Login textbox should accept only
characters, and the characters should be between 8-12 etc...

System testing is an end to end testing where the testing
environment is like the production environment.
While we do system testing we wont be bothered about testing
the components individually(functional testing) or whether
integrating the components works or not(integration testing)
because before we start system testing functional and
integration testing will be usually over.
Ex: Say, the customer wants a bank application which charges
the user 10% interest plus the activation charge the first
month,and charges only the interest from the 2nd and
succeeding months for which he has taken loan...

System testing for this includes testing for the first month
whether its charging 10% interest plus activation amt. and
no activation amt from the next month(by advancing the
database/server time)

Correct me if am wrong... comments r welcome.

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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / sachin

Thanks vamsi for the answer
but still i have dbout .. about.. whether function testing
is a part of system testing or not ?

According to me .. functional testing is not a part of
system testing...

Please correct me in case of wrong..


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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / sachin

Thanks Muralidhar for this informative answer

But still I have an issue

I am dividing your answer into parts.. you said
a) “in system testing Objective is to make sure that the
system is working as defined in the base line document” and
b) for functional testing we will be testing the
functionality is appropriate or not…

But again.for part b.. For testing functionality we take
help of baseline document..and again it is similar to part
a which you have explained..
that means by your explanation also..the final result is
Functional testing is a part of system testing.. so ..
sorry for asking the same question again .. please tell
me “ Functional testing is a part of system testing “
This statement is right or wrong

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What is the difference between function testing and system testing ? Please answer with proper p..

Answer / vamsi krishna

--System Testing includes testing of complete System and
includes all types of testing

--Functional Testing Includes only functional part ex:a=b+c
like this functional testing will be happen
Functional testing is part of System testing

Vamsi Krishna,
ISTQB Certified,
+91 8013153659

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