what is the differencees between work manager and executequeue?

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what is the differencees between work manager and executequeue? ..

Answer / kamal sastry

1.Unlike execute queues, all WorkManagers share a common
thread pool and a priority-based queue.
2. The size of the
thread pool is determined automatically by the kernel and
resized as needed.
3.WorkManagers become very lightweight, and customers can
create WorkManagers without worrying about the size of the
thread pool.
4.Thread dumps look much cleaner with fewer threads.
In the new model, it is possible to specify different
service-level agreements (SLAs) such as fair shares or
response-time goals for the same servlet invocation
depending on the user associated with the invocation.
5.In earlier releases, each servlet or RMI request was
associated with a dispatch policy that mapped to an execute
queue.Requests without an explicit dispatch policy use the
server-wide default execute queue. In WebLogic Server 9.0,
requests are still associated with a dispatch policy but
are mapped to a WorkManager instead of to an execute queue.
6.Execute queues are always global whereas
WorkManagers are always application scoped. Even
WorkManagers defined globally in the console are
application scoped during runtime. This means that each
application gets into own runtime instance that is distinct
from others, but all of them share the same characteristics
like fair-share goals.

7. Another advantage is Thread Count Self-tuning. One of the
major differences between execute queues and the
new thread scheduling model is that the thread count does
not need to be set. In earlier releases, customers defined
new thread pools and configured their size to avoid
deadlocks and provide differentiated service. It is quite
difficult to determine the exact number of threads needed
in production to achieve optimal throughput and avoid
deadlocks. WebLogic Server 9.0 is self-tuned, dynamically
adjusting the number of threads to avoid deadlocks and
achieve optimal throughput subject to concurrency
constraints. It also meets objectives for differentiated
service. These objectives are stated as fair shares and
response-time goals as explained in the next section.

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what is the differencees between work manager and executequeue? ..

Answer / king

Just to add in above points:
Execute Queue concepts used till 8.1+ weblogic releases.
Work Manager came from Weblogic 9+

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