actually i have 2 years teaching experience as computer
faculty but now i am a DBA but when i go for interview many
peoples asked me why i left my teaching profession and why
i want to come in this field kindly give me the proper
answer of this queston

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actually i have 2 years teaching experience as computer faculty but now i am a DBA but when i go f..

Answer / limaai

sir you are said that lecturer, teaching profession is very
good.but improve my knowledge.

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actually i have 2 years teaching experience as computer faculty but now i am a DBA but when i go f..

Answer / sheela

tell them that you want to opt for better opportunities
and just want growth whether it be professional or
financial growth.

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actually i have 2 years teaching experience as computer faculty but now i am a DBA but when i go f..

Answer / ug ist year student

You can always say that we must keep improving ourselves. To
go on the ladder, we must find opportunities to learn and
give it back to the company and the society. You have
already given back to the society what you knew. Now by
opting to work and learn by working, you are rising your
potential so that you are able to do your justified share in
keeping your company on a high profile and give back to the
society in a bigger way.
They may immediately ask u what are the bigger ways you are
planning for the society..! You may hav answers I guess.
Anyway you must say such things that will not divert your
attention from your work. u cant say u will be a part time
teacher or u wil build a school. coz it will mean u wont
take ur work as the main factor and tht u r not planning to
stay in their company for long if u want to build a school!!
Very dangerous.. so u think of something that will involve
the company in social work. Get to kno if the comapny has
any small goal related to social giving. Every company
normally has an impractical policy! So ur words of social
service in the name of the company and some small realistic
aims may help. dont sound as if u r decided on that social
service. just keep it short. but make sure u say some real
social service that u hav already undertaken(if u havent, do
some really different nice thing for real people) so tht
they dont think u r just talking for name sake. keep ur
social service achievement short but strong.never take
certificates of social service but photos might be better.r
u serving for the sake of certis?? No.ok next u immediately
talk about giving back to the society byhelping your comapny
grow. after all the company u r going to join in is great in
doing good. so u like to thank the society thru the company.
u can say all this. am sure u will be considered.. :)

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