Aeronautical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is the highest temperature the space shuttle undersurface experiences during its mission?

2 9858

what is a liquid metal?

4 6064

what are the selected criteria for design of the thermal protection system for the second generation RLV?


How difficult is to mould and shape graphite epoxiescompared with alloys or ceramica that may be used for thermal protective applications?


why are all shear loads and twisting moments set to zero for the preliminary design phase of TPS?


Are thermal protection systems of space crafts commonly composed of one panel or a collection of smaller tiles?

2 4966

Why insulating tiles on reusable launch vehicles must be isolated from one another?

1 3476

Does n't simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system of areusable launch vehicle jeopardize the accuracy of results?


1 4316 to sit in a interview(ie. about body language ) 2.why you would like to join the aviation industry. 3.why you selected this company.

AirIndia, Event Management, FlyDubai, Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Manish Pharma, Quest,

18 42376

what is ram jet?

AirIndia, DRDL,

3 7307

why we use delta connection in primary and star connection in an distribution transformer,which converts 400V a.c voltage to 33KV?

2 4284

why refrigration is done inside aircraft,and why aircraft body is made of aluminium

5 7602

Can we put engines on the end of a wing? if not, then why?

6 10797

why the fuselage of the pressurized aircraft is made of circular cross section?

5 13494

why the stall of the swept wing tends to occur at the tips first?

2 9880

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Un-Answered Questions { Aeronautical Engineering }

What is the testing done in aerospace engineering?


Explain how the volume of the fuselage of a commercial passenger aircraft can be computed?


Explain what made you choose aerospace engineer line as your career?


What all medical aid you can carry with permission from security personnel?


What are the different steps in the conceptual design of a commercialpassenger aircraft? Discuss the reasoning behind the order of steps.


Explain what are the main areas in aviation?


Describe a challenging aircraft design problem you've encountered in your studies or career and how you approached solving it.


What things you should not do on while flying?


You are about to take off the plane in few seconds and a catastrophic engine fails, and your captain tells you not to take off and just stay in the center line. What would you do?


skrtch and discuss an optical pyrometer. hoe is its accuracy improved? also state why this instrument cannot be used in temperture control system.


What would you do if your captain is not following the instructions properly?


Discuss how the takeoff weight of an aircraft can be estimated?


What are the main areas in aviation?


Discuss in brief the methodology and considerations for the selection ofpropulsion system for a fighter aircraft?


List out things that you can’t carry while flying?