Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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How many stereoisomers of phenylpropylene oxide are there?


1 5898

How many isomers have the name bromomethylcyclopentane?

5 11908

Pure (S)-2-butanol has a specific rotation of +13.52 degrees. A sample of 2-butanol prepared in the lab and purified by distillation has a calculated specific rotation of +6.76 degrees. What can you conclude about the composition?

1 5817

Trimethylamine is a pyramidal molecule. What is the hybridization at nitrogen?


5 16584

which functional groups are present in cortisone?

2 22897

How many degrees of unsaturation are there in benzene?

2 11864

What are the major products formed when acetic acid and ethanol are added to water and the pH is adjusted to 7.0?

3 5694

What organic compounds have the basic formula (CH2O)n?

8 77125

What kind of bonds link amino acids?

7 9225

How many different types of carbon signals would be observed by 13C-NMR?

4 7213

Which are the longest living cells in the body?

3 13155

what is I.R.

6 18447

What Is The Composition Of Benedict's Solution


3 52692

what is the chemical composition of trommer's test?

BMG, Reddy Labs, Vimta Labs,

1 9584

What are acounting Pi electron's?

Fertilizers, IGCAR,


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Un-Answered Questions { Organic Chemistry }

hi friends, dis is ramana reddy.i have been workining in bulk drugs as QC chemist.i would like 2 change d company.but our company didn't give d OFFER LETTER,APPOINTMENT LETTER,PAY SLIP.if any body has these documents along with sample RESUME,pls send 2 my mail id i.e


chlorination of methane is possible and a mixture of products are obtained. Is flourination and Bromination of methane is possible?


what things are suitable for investigatory project?


Why we are use glass viscometer, and what is calculation manual calculation formula as per USP. How many types of viscometre in glass type viscometer.


whether ter weight is require when doing the water standerdisation


Describe the process of Actinium extraction from its primary sources and how it's obtained for various applications.


How does Protactinium contribute to our understanding of Earth's history and the behavior of elements in natural systems?


Explain the some importance of organic chemistry?


What is the accepted microbial load in APIs as per USP.........?


Discuss the role of Actinium in neutron sources and its contribution to scientific research and advancements.


Which one of the following is not aromatic?


Which form of Sucores is harmfull to humans ?


How does Protactinium contribute to our understanding of nuclear fission and fusion reactions, and what research has been conducted in this area?


Explain Thiele's structure for benzene. What is the difference between thiele's structure and modern structure (resonance hybrid) of benzene?


Barc in chemistry