Botany Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are Tyloses ?

2 9306

Differentiate Lysigenous, Schizogelous cavities ?

5 29955

Differentiate Hadrocentric, Leptocentric vascular bundles ?

2 22388

Differentiate Torus and Margo ?

1 6817

What are bulliform cells and what is their role ?

4 24096

What is a Quiscent Centre and what is its importance ?

1 4221

what are petro crops?what is the use of petro crops?

Biotech, MIDC, NOC,

10 61189

what is the difference between breeder seed and certified seed?

Rice Research Institute,

6 30548

what is melittopalynology?what is its use?

4 10316

what is a trebent?

2 8749

what are the demerits of takthajan classification?

1 3504

what are the functions of fusiform initials and ray initials?

3 30124

what are pseudoannual rings?

2 3702

what are brachy sclereids?

1 6476

what is the difference between dichogamy and herkogamy?

Pondichery University,

7 32490

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Un-Answered Questions { Botany }

How do you measure the content of vitamins or iron in a plant ?


How long do flowers usually last?


Classify the tomato into fruits, roots, stem.


Explain the tallness trait of a pea plant moving separately from the color trait an example of?


what are the importance of weeds ?


What are the symptoms of early blight of potato


Describe the necessary conditions required for growth of the capsicum annuum?


Give five examples each of plants that have lateral and that have fiberous roots?


What things do you count in order to determine the number of carpels in a compound ovary?


write a note on support in plants and answers


what is the ecological importance of mycophytes?


Does chloroplasts in the plant cell helps in respiration long with photosynthesis?


what is the non-congruent principle?


Explain apomixix?


What is the structure of chlorophyll and the energy transfer mechanism?