Apple iOS Swift Interview Questions
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What is difference between 'let' and 'var' declaration ?

1 1869

What is Initialization ?

1 1985

In Swift How to connect UI under Swift Environment ?

1 2005

Swift defines the AnyObject type alias to represent instances of any reference type, and it’s internally defined as a protocol. Consider the following code: var array = [AnyObject]() struct Test {} array.append(Test()) This code generates a compilation error, with the following error message: Type 'Test' does not conform to protocol 'AnyObject' The failure is obvious because a struct is a value and not a reference type, and as such it doesn’t implement and cannot be cast to the AnyObject protocol. Now consider the following code: var array = [AnyObject]() array.append(1) array.append(2.0) array.append("3") array.append([4, 5, 6]) array.append([7: "7", 8: "8"]) struct Test {} array.append(Test()) The array array is filled in with values of type respectively int, double, string, array and dictionary. All of them are value types and not reference types, and in all cases no error is reported by the compiler. Why?

1 2315

Consider the following code: let op1: Int = 1 let op2: UInt = 2 let op3: Double = 3.34 var result = op1 + op2 + op3 Where is the error and why? How can it be fixed?

1 3217

Consider the following code: var defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() var userPref = defaults.stringForKey("userPref")! printString(userPref) func printString(string: String) { println(string) } Where is the bug? What does this bug cause? What’s the proper way to fix it?

1 2716

The following code snippet results in a compile time error: struct IntStack { var items = [Int]() func add(x: Int) { items.append(x) // Compile time error here. } } Explain why a compile time error occurs. How can you fix it?

1 3275

In Swift enumerations, what’s the difference between raw values and associated values?

1 6211

The String struct doesn’t provide a count or length property or method to count the number of characters it contains. Instead a global countElements() function is available. When applied to strings, what’s the complexity of the countElements function: O(1) O(n) and why?

1 2079

struct Planet { var name: String var distanceFromSun: Double } let planets = [ Planet(name: "Mercury", distanceFromSun: 0.387), Planet(name: "Venus", distanceFromSun: 0.722), Planet(name: "Earth", distanceFromSun: 1.0), Planet(name: "Mars", distanceFromSun: 1.52), Planet(name: "Jupiter", distanceFromSun: 5.20), Planet(name: "Saturn", distanceFromSun: 9.58), Planet(name: "Uranus", distanceFromSun: 19.2), Planet(name: "Neptune", distanceFromSun: 30.1) ] let result1 = { $ } let result2 = planets.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.distanceFromSun } What are the types and values of the result1 and result2 variables? Explain why.

1 2541

Consider the following code: var array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] var array2 = array1 array2.append(6) var len = array1.count What’s the value of the len variable, and why?

1 3092

What is tuple? How to create a tuple in swift?


What are the two main integer types in swift?


What is forced unwrapping?


How can you prioritize the usability of the demand process?


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Un-Answered Questions { Apple iOS Swift }

What are methods in swift?


Explain grand central dispatch (gdc).


How to write a multiple line comment in swift?


What are generics? How to make a method or variable generics in swift?


What do you mean by optional chaining in swift?


Why do we use swift? Mention some advantages of swift?


What is clean swift architecture?


What is the use of break statement in swift language?


What is swift programming language?


What is swift? How is it different from objective-c?


Do loops swift?


Why swift is safe?


What is the difference between nil and none in swift?


What is the difference between swift and xcode?


What are the features of swift programming?