General Physics Interview Questions
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What is the purpose served by ventilation in building ?

1 681

How does the snake move over the ground ?

1 810

Explain about Magnetic mines

1 798

Explain about Sanitation

1 1012

Describe the Periscope?

1 879

Describe the Sphygmanometer?

1 910

Describe the Thermos Flask?

1 908

Explain about Anemometer?

1 850

Explain about Bessemer?

1 768

Explain about Microphone?

1 860

Explain about Vacuum Pump?

1 889

Explain about Scintillometer?

1 833

Explain about Barometer?

1 807

Describe the Infra-red and Ultra-voilet rays?

1 913

What is Lunar module?

1 796

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Un-Answered Questions { General Physics }

How is nuclear fission different from nuclear fusion?


I just want to convert the voltage into current i.e. suppose I have 750V & 1A AC power then I want to convert it into 12V & 62A DC power only difficulty is that I don't want to use the tranceformer. Simply to say, I want to make the step-down without using tranceformer. Please, give me some ideas. And also I want the relation between Magnetic Induction & Weight of the body can be levitated. Or I can say, how much of magnetic induction requires to lift 500gms weight? I am heartily thankful to you.


Explain how spectral lines show discrete energy levels in an atom. : quantum physics


A car traveling at 30mph ( =13.4 m/s) & it slams on its brakes. ( The car is decelerated by the force of the friction 0.7..f *distance x. (Weight=mg) how far will the cargo before it stops?


what is the name of the device that is made by combining two basic types of solid state rectifiers allowing the device to both rectify and amplify a current?


What is the law of machines?


How does the arrangement of atoms in most solids differ from the arrangement of atoms in a liquid?


Explain what is meant by 4th dimension?


Will a dc motor actually produce voltage if it is spun in reverse?


What is meant by normal modes?


What is geocentric?


Explain which way do twin screw props on a boat rotate when propelling the boat forward?


What is the direction of null vector?


Tell me how we are getting light from electrical bulb?


How many protons are present in a single deuterium nucleus?