WinRunner Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Is Winrunner 7.01 supports .NET applications?

Second Foundation,

3 5486

Some of the importent functions in data driven test(ddt)?

Second Foundation,

4 10783

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

Second Foundation, TCS,

3 7947

What is context sensitive Recording?

Second Foundation,

7 10123

What is Analog Recording?

Second Foundation,

2 4734

Is Gui Map Created when you record in Analog mode?

Second Foundation,

2 6765

What are the functions generate when u use GUI Check point?give me some of ones?

Second Foundation,

4 6613

What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain?

Second Foundation,

5 9946

What is the add-in used to test the web application in winrunner?

Hanu Software, Second Foundation,

1 4380

How do you that one record was entered in to a particular table using winrunner?

BeBo Technologies,

3 6601

For what type of applications Rapid Test Script Wizard available?


3 8035

How many types of tests can u create in winrunner?


2 5001

How do you recognise Active X components in winrunner?

ADITI, Wipro,

4 5816

How do handle error/exceptions in winrunner.


2 5412

How do you create a startup script in winrunner and what is consists generally?


2 6526

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

What is the use of gui map and what happens when the gui map file get loaded?


What happens when the gui map file get loaded?


you hae a inbox and got a mail how can you know it is there or not write script.


Hi iam a begginer or rather new stsrter to QTP and strugling to start as i have to start writing the automated scripts for the existing manual testing could some one send me some tips ans tricks for a jump start. Any help is greatly appreciated


What are the Win Runner tools for functional testing?


what is risk?


What is boundary test?


What is the purpose of regexp_label property and regexp_msw_class property?


what is qtp licence


How should we write and execute a user define function using WinRunner.


What is the purpose of set_window command?


What is tsl? What 4gl is it similar too?


How do u check FONTS in Login Window?


How do you modify the logical name or the physical description of the objects in gui map?


What information is contained in the checklist file?