Dot Net WindowsForms Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what are the diffrences between windows application and windows service?

2 4393

Which controls can not be placed in MDI ?

2 4069

List out controls which does not have events?


8 18398

Which property of textbox cannot be changed at runtime?

2 4921

What is the max size of textbox?

1 4157

How many system controls are available ?

1 3039

what are container objects?

1 2792

What is the use of stretch property in Image control?

1 3528

what are the differences between image and picture controls?

1 3340

Is it possible to set a shortcut key for label?

2 5016

What is the default property of data control?


2 6890

what are the types of combo box?

2 8510

How many nuber of controls are there in form?

Morgan Stanley,

1 5773

What is the need of tabindex property is label control?

1 3866

What is the use of OLE?

2 3895

Post New Dot Net WindowsForms Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Dot Net WindowsForms }

What is the use of play() playlooping() functions?


What is the difference between a document and a form?


Which property value of the helpnavigator property will display the index for a specified topic?


Name the property which of menu cannot be set at run time?


Name the property which is used to specify the source from where the crystal reports would be accessed.


Explain how to add resources during runtime?


Which event occurs when a user drags an item in a treeview or listview control?


Which command prompt utility is used to convert a resource file from the text format into the binary format?


What is the use of runworkasync() methods?


how print PGL by XML


What is the difference between pixels, points, and em’s when fonts are displayed?


What is a fillable form?


What is a database form?


What are controls in windows forms?


Name the event that enables the user to prevent shifting of focus from control until all the validation rules have been met.