Windows CE Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Device driver?

NetApp, ST, SUN,

8 19417

what is the speciality of winCE?

2 5762

What is CE Stands in winCCE

8 9259

what is the difference between normal OS and winCE OS?

3 8658

what are the SDK's developed by winCE

1 5187

what are the levels in winCE arhitecture

1 5241

what is the difference between winCE4.0 and winCE5.0 Is there any speciality?

1 4263

Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE mobile then why?

3 7061

what are the advantages and disadvantages of winCE compared to GPOS.

2 17144

I want software development lifecycle of windows XP software?


4. Where is AD Database held what other folders are related to AD?

1 4455

what version of wince supports dual core processor

1 4240

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I want software development lifecycle of windows XP software?