Shell Script Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the different kinds of loops available in shell script?

3 7321

How do you read arguments in a shell program - $1, $2 ..?

4 8748

How would you replace the n character in a file with some xyz?

7 11141

When you login to a c shell, which script would be run first?

2 5247

How would you print just the 25th line in a file using smallest shell script?

4 11715

How will you list only the empty lines in a file (using grep)?


4 11969

How to customise the existing shell?

1 3679

What is the difference between a variable and value?

Sun Microsystems,

7 42711

How to customise the other shell?


2 4551

What are environment variables?

2 5962

What are the advantages of bash over all other shells?

1 13105

How to change our default shell?

5 8726

How to create environment variables?What are the conditions for creating variables?

Infosys, Wipro,

1 5585

How to make userdefined variables to available for all other shells?

4 5525

What is Path variable?What is its use?

1 4583

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Un-Answered Questions { Shell Script }

What are the different types of commonly used shells on a typical linux system?


Why do we write bin bash in shell scripts?


What are zombie processes?


Is bash an operating system?


one folder contains lot of students name but I want to fetch hello with every student name individually using shell script


What language is bash written in?


Why should we use shell scripts?


How do I set bash as default shell mac?


Print the 10th line without using tail and head command.


Write a shell script that adds two numbers if provided as the command line argument and if the two numbers are not entered throws an error message.


Explain about shebang?


Explain about the exit command?


What does it mean to debug a script?


What command needs to be used to take the backup?


What is difference between bash and shell?