Government AllOther Interview Questions
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what is resistor


Sir, I have applied for the of section engineer at RRB chennai. please send me all RRB-chennai solved papers in the year of 2001 tO till date. i requested send me the papers to my id as soon as possible. my email id is



Hi,i m working as a Software Engineer in a small Software company. I have wrote Postal Assistants recruitment exam and waiting for the result. If I selected in that exam can i go to that field or stay in the software field itself?which field is better?what may be the salary for Postal Assistants? Please tell your suggestions..


what are the questions asking in corp bank clerk intervw pls tell me who compltd their intervw

Corporation Bank,


What is the gross salary of an IPO?


had the results for postal assistant exam november 2010 declared? pls tell me

Postal Assistant Exam,

1 3752

hello to all, i m selected on the postal assistant cadre in postal dept. i wamt to ask about the promotional hierachy for a candidate recruited as a postal assistant. plz help me . my email id is


what will be the gross salary of newly appointed postal assistant.

2 5923

I got selected in Department of Posts,India as sorting assistant in Chennai Air Mail Sorting Division I want to know what would be the gross salary and net salary (after sixth pay commission revised pay)for the post of Chennai Air Mail Sorting Division. and is there night shift?


I have done B.Pharma and currently doing MBA, I have cleared many Public sector banking exams and always face question. Why you want to join Banking sector when you have degree in Pharmacy? Please help me in chosing right answer for this.

Allahabad Bank, IBPS, State Bank Of India SBI,

3 11257

what is the reson of galvanized of iron pipe.



what is the limited age to become cheif justice of india


sir , i got selected for postal assistant(sbco) which was conducted on 14-11-2010. when can i get the call letter and all. i didnt receive any mail or letter regarding that. should i contact anyone in head post office. plz help me.

2 4215

I am selected in postal department recruitment..the ceritificate verification will be postponed..may i know the expected date?

1 2662

send me section engineer signal model paper to my mail id


Post New Government AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Government AllOther }

hi guys,how was the idbi asst. managers exam?can anybody tell me what ll be a safe score sectionwise,keeping in mind the level of difficulty?


hi...i am a final yr enginnering student. i got above 80% in all of the xams. can i appear in upcoming allahabad bank p.o. xam on 17th april,2011? i will get my graduation certificate in july.


whot is pf


can you tell me little about yourself


what type of interviews questions asked in NIC(National informatics centre) interview for scientist post?


Nenu hindi madyama visharadha .alahabad passed nenu ts dsc ki eligibility kadha


Hi, I am vinay. I got shortlist for the post Credit Officer Scale II and interview scheduled on 8th Sep 2010, Bangalore. Please advice on the interview process and questions that may ask at the time of interview. Contact me 8008800824.


Hello I am going to attend second phase exam of Junior court assistant of supreme court of india. I need previous years computer aptitude question paper for supreme court of India Junior court assistant computer exam. Thanks


pls tell the technical question of bsnl junior engineer


why you want to join crpf.


hi i m shortlisted for icici po and im having gd on sep 8 plz send me gd tpoics to my mail


please send me last 3 years questions paper of SBI BANK for the exam of probationary officer exam send me reply on my email ID


At d time of sbi clerical 2009 interview ,I submitted passing certificate instead of degree certificate,Will it create any problem in getting selected ?


Can anyone really can answer the question when exam result will be Declared. I am Talking about the Result of Clerical Cadre Exam interview held between 24 th april to 8th of may. If possible Can any one also advise the reason possible For such long Delay in this Regard. Thanks Sudhanshu Shekhar


how to know the 9th PRC pay & allowences?