Informatica Interview Questions
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If one flat file contains n number records., we have to load in target from 51 to 100.. how to use expressions in Informatica..?

2 5564

If one flat file contains n number of records., we have to load the records in target from 51 to 100.. how to use expressions in Informatica..?

6 14013

whatis the default data driven operation in informatica

2 5870

How to generate a single mapping for both the historical and incremental load.


2 7201

How to eliminate 1st and last rows from the source and load the inbetween rows.


5 24273

How to calculate the cache size if say we are doing a performance check on a mapping and found that a particular cache needs to be changed. Is there a formula to calculate this! i know that informatica has a auto option available but how to calculate manually?

1 4578

What are the uses of a Parameter file?


3 12021

By using joiner t/r we can join only 2 tables, SO if want join more than 2 flat files ,How can i join?

1 5764

On lookup on any table we can get only a)any value or b)last value but if i need both duplicate values How can i achieve?

3 5982

List the transformation in informatica.


1 11577

where does the default group roew in a router is stored what is the default size of memory in router

1 4204

If we use only lookup transformation in a mapping ie, SourceQualifier-->Lookup --> Target. , here datas are taking very long time to load in target., so what are steps to improve the performance in that mapping???????

2 5575

Suppose we are using a Dynamic Lookup in a Mapping and the commit Interval set for the tgt is 10000. Then how does the data get committed in the lookup if there were only 100 roows read from the src and the dynamic lookup dint have the 100th row in it?

Deloitte, TCS,

2 14469

can u apply SCD2 on flat file tgt? if yes wat is the procedure?


3 24417

What is the difference between IN and Exists in Oracle?


3 14554

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Un-Answered Questions { Informatica }

What are the performance considerations when working with aggregator transformation?


What is a sorter transformation?


Explain the scenario which compels informatica server to reject files?


how to construct simple biogas digerter? please show me detail drawing and specification of simple biogas construction?


Explain in detail about scd type 1 through mapping.


I need the output file in the below format using Informatica. __0946684800__ 6 1 3 1 5 1 6 1 10 1 6 10 Pos State Time Split AgentID Reason Spaces Code in Code Spare state ______ ___ _____ ______ __________ ______ 1234 14 0 4321 3103 abcd 4321 15 5 123452 3150 Can someone help please?? We need the data in space-delimited, fixed ASCII format .


What are the measure objects?


Can we change Dynamic to Static or Persistent cache? If so what happens?


Performance tuning in UNIX for informatica mappings?


Is it possible to create multiple domains on a single Informatica server?


What can we do to improve the performance of informatica aggregator transformation?


What is rank transform?


Explain dynamic target flat file name generation in informatica


Partition, what happens if the specified key range is shorter and longer


What is data movement mode in Informatica and difference between them?