PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

can we use PGP with PHP?

1 5172

How can you insert javascript in php code?


13 61946

Does it possible to compile php with mysql without having mysql sources?

2 4224

What does PHP stand for?

7 9045

Is it possible to get the screen resolution and like with php?

1 3629

How can you count number of parameters given in a URL by POST method?

5 15045

what is this error "Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect();" and when you will get this?

2 4203

what method is used to get a user's IP address?

2 6480

What is PEAR?

1 4538

Explain about error handling in php?

INDUS, Life Infotech, Yahoo,

1 6619

Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database without a DSN? If so, how??

3 7147

Is there a way to encrypt text from php?

5 7091

Without using forms and hidden variables, how to send variables from a PHP script to another URL using POST method?

2 29399

How do you set the browser timeout?

3 9494

Whats the difference between include() and require()?

4 7472

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

Does mysql need php?


How To Get the Uploaded File Information in the Receiving Script?


Name some of the popular frameworks in php.


What is the scope of a variable defined in a function?


What is php's mysqli extension?


How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in php?


What is php explain how php works?


What is a stored procedure in mysql?


What are the Advantages and Application Areas of PHP?


How many data types are used by php?


Is php fully object oriented?


Explain about the $_GET variable of PHP?


How to get best php developer Experience in Php with Sugar CRM / VTiger.


How to call php function from javascript using ajax?


What is the difference between laravel and php?