Oracle General Interview Questions
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what is grid in Oracle 10g...

1 3876

please explain.. DB architecture ...


hai, I am searching job on Oracle10g and PL/sql,Unix... can any one send me resume format. an suggest me how to prepare.. ann books..

1 3845

Hi Can any one tell me what are the API's used in requisition import.


How do we switch from init.ora file to asp file?

2 3135

what is mean by prmary key and foreign key and how can we diffrentiate that? Please answer me. Advance thanks.

BPO, Excel, Wipro,

9 15156

There are n numbers of flatfile of exactly same format are placed in a folder.Can we load these flatfile's data one by one to a single relational table by a single session??


If server is in US and client is in india there is timezone is diffrence, How can we display date in indian time when data is displayed from US server timezone?

1 3560

how table is defined in plsql table? how can i select column from plsql table? can i use select * from plsql table type?

1 4249

what are steps for interface? where is exchange rate defined in which table?


In Oracle Clinical 4.5.0, can the VIEW_TEMPLATE_ID column in DATA_EXTRACT_VIEWS table contain NULL value?


HI, Please let me know the syllabus for Oracle OCA and OCP Certification


what is the maximum number of indexes i can create for a table? What happens if i create indexes for all the columns of a table? Will it slow down the speed of retrieval

2 6987

which is best insttute for teradata,sybase,mysql,oracle in hyderabad

1 3099

How many objectname will be created for a single table drop function? Why 'flashback' query giving error "ORA-38312: original name is used by an existing object" while getting the table?


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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle General }

Explain about your project and its relation to the current job position you are applying to?


Which is faster join or subquery in oracle?


types of indexes and the rationale behind choosing a particular index for a situation.


Will you be able to store pictures in the database?explain.


What do you understand by database schema and what does it hold?


How can I see all tables in oracle?


What is sequence?


What is control file used for?


What is recovery manager in Oracle?


What happens if you set the sga too low in oracle?


how the indexes are stored in the Oracle Database?


What types of joins are used in writing subqueries?


Using the relations and the rules set out in the notes under each relation, write statements to create the two sequence generators specified in the notes.


What is execute immediate in oracle?


What do the 9i dbms_standard.sql_txt() and dbms_standard.sql_text() procedures do?