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what is the weight of 8mm dia steel with 1 meter length. Is there any formula to calculate the weight for any given diameter

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How to inverting a function in sort and searching?


Do you have the qualities and skills necessary to succeed in your career at Whole Foods?


At the time of implemention, what type of problem you generally face?


What are the different type of infoset joins?


i got a case study in which theie is a chemical company group which has 12 companies in all, few in Europe and few in USA, my question is should i have only 2 COA as per the standard like US GAAP and IFRS or should i have COA based on country location.


Is there a substitute for microsoft access?


Explain how can you estimate the efficiency of a pump?


How do I downgrade wordpress?


Explain Drop View Statement along with syntax?


You've reached a stale of independence where you're able to express yourself and perform at your peak level of performance. Being the best you can be is the motivator that drives you. Which of the following is true? A. This is an example of the Expectancy theory. B. You've reached self-actualization in Maslow's Hierarchy. C. This is an example of the Hygiene theory. D. You've reached the highest level of the Achievement theory.


What are the differences between SEO and SEM?


what is your negative point that you want to improve?


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why do u want to leave your present job?


Normally how many and what files get created when a transaction program is written?