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Hindustan Times Interview Questions
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Who among the following foreign travelers visited India during the seventh century A.D. ? (1) Alberuni (2) Fa ? hien (3) I ? tsing (4) Suleman

4 11271

Which newspaper has the motto-Journalism of Courage? 1 The Hindustan Times 2 The Washington Post 3 The Indian Express 4 The Guardian

7 47796

Which is the oldest mountain range of India? 1 Himalayas 2 Satpuras 3 Vindhyas 4 Aravallis

26 74694

Who are the chief Editors of Newspapers such as The Times Of India,Hindustan Times,The Tribune,The Economist.Indian Express.

3 19539

what is the difference between concept selling and space selling? define please.

3 31049

Post New Hindustan Times Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is a typescript map file?


Can windows 10 be used as a server?


Is mvc a software design pattern?


How do you break a while loop?


What are linked list?


What is seismic tomography?


How are joins performed in impala?


How to implement service broker?


What are testing types supported by selenium?


What is block for?


Wasco Interview 1-the type of transducer that convert mechanical movement into a voltage 2-pump 2500 psi and 100 MG select it 3-modes of heat transfer 4-the difference bet PSIA and PSIG 5-the function of relief valve and no return valve (check valve ) 6-types of bearing general catogires 7-function of bearing 8-compressor surge 9-pump cavitation 10-define critical speed 11-compression ratio decease volumetric ratio ........... 12-using inter-cooling in multi stage compressors to ....... 13-using cascade system in refrigerator function ? 14-define performance and efficiency .


How do you test the URL of a Web-based application?


Distinguish between finally and finalize blocks?


Where?s global assembly cache located on the system? Can you have two files with the same file name in GAC?


How do I run a program in notepad ++?