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Safe Solutions SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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what is ticket? what type of tickets are you getting? how to solve those? tell me with examples

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Safe Solutions SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
    Safe Solutions SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions (1)

Un-Answered Questions

How will you define Bank Rate?


Where static variables are stored?


What platforms are supported?


What is the way of creating Avro Schemas?


Outline vendor payments in the sap system? : fi- accounts payable


Explain the differences between univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis?


What are the Various Types of internal tables?


Can I use openjdk for commercial?


what is lotus domino?


Explain what is factory method in angular.js?


What is the real-world example of dhtml scripting?


What is the purpose of ex measurement unit?


You are a project manager for a new software development project. You have a few activities that require specialized testing. The testing might need to be repeated more than once. Which of the following do you choose? A. The Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique because it allows for conditional branching and looping for the testing activity B. The Critical Path Method because it allows for float time to be calculated for the testing activity C. The Program Evaluation and Review Technique because it allows for conditional branching and looping for the testing activity D. The Program Evaluation and Review Technique because it allows for a weighted average distribution, which will even out the time needed for the testing activity


What aspect of your communications skills have you improved the most in and how did you accomplish this improvement?


What is Simple Element?