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SVIT Dot Net Framework Interview Questions
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SVIT Dot Net Framework Interview Questions

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How to write the test scenarios for the following: 1. Searching train. 2. Data encryption and decryption. 3. Single signon. 4. Document printing. 5. Testing EMail. 6. Data authentication.


Why use 64bit excel?


would you please give me any idea about the BARC interview question on electrical? i have an interview on 1st july.....plz hlp me.......its urgent......


What are the classes? : sap bobi


I am sending my request, and I see the data traffic in the command window, but why is the result always empty?


Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks?


Do you know what are the new features that iso/ansi c++ has added to original c++ specifications?


Hi here is Mehul and my question is about time punctuality and regularity at job.Some times i may be late on job by 5- 10 minutes bt being loyal and superior to the company i gives 50 minutes extra or more than that against the 5-10 minutes late. So then, while appraisal why the managers focus on 5-10 minutes late inspit of going 1 or 2 hours late. what could be an explanation to them while appraisal?


You routinely compress old log files. You now need to examine a log from two months ago. In order to view its contents without first having to decompress it, use the which utility in linux?


Can you explain what are various ways to enhance the ssrs report?


What is h:outputtext tag in jsf (javaserver faces)?


Is microsoft access still relevant 2018?


What is the use of ehcache?


Explain the difference between extends thread vs implements runnable in java?


What does %p mean c?