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FirstSource Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 491401

Least no. when divide by 7 gives remainder 6, 6 gives 5, 5 gives 4 and so on ?

6 29010

BPO means?

21 101571

what r ur hobbies?

23 45354

tell me something abt urself?

23 41349

In call centers in general what topics they ask?

6 29177

What is the importance of computer.

56 211455

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 788420

tell me about what is mean call centre

10 24660

What do you mean by quality analyst in call centres ?

30 123581

If HR person asked tell me about yourself then what is the sequence points to tell him the answer

33 87369

What is BPO? Please explain in brief.

5 22697

I have only four months exp in banking field.. but i am searching for a better job.. in interview they are asking, what is the reason for changing the job so soon. the reason is to get high pay.. but if i tell like that.. they will not select i want the best answer for this.. i am keep on searching for a better job.. so please me.. right now i am getting 6000rupees in HDFC BANK.. but i am expecting above 9000rupees.. so please help me to get a good job with a good pay..

1 4186

How many rounds of interview are taken in international call center?What are they?

3 24810

how i should sell one mobile phone when interviewer will ask sell this phone to me

18 154021

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How the build and release differ from one another, write down the difference between build and release?


Give examples for reference types?


What is store procedure? When do you use?


How do I convert a table to plain text in word?


How do you do a vlookup spreadsheet?


wht is embedded systems? what is new inthis field?


What are the 3 types of operating systems?


How do I add a spreadsheet?


Can two tables share the same primary key?


What role does the NSA play in commercial cryptography?


What are the options for book publishing in bpc?


Is port forwarding necessary?


What are new features added in nfs4?


What is wait stage in bp?


Describe the types of documents supported by WPF?