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Excel C Interview Questions
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how can i get output like this? 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 6192

what is mallloc()?how it works?

4 6208

how can we use static and extern?and where can we use this?

3 6268

how to use enum datatype?Please explain me?

3 4971

What is RAM memory? and What is ROM?Who designed one is temparary and another is permanent?why they designed like that?By using far pointer which type data(whether hexadecimal)we can access?

1 4501

What are the languages are portable and platform independent?Why they are like that?

1 3493

pointer_variable=(typecasting datatype*)malloc(sizeof(datatype)); This is the syntax for malloc?Please explain this,how it work with an example?

2 8164

how can i get this by using for loop? * ** * **** * ******

3 4101

#include int main ( int argc, char* argv [ ] ) { int value1 = 10; int value2 = 5; printf ( "\n The sum is :%d", value1 | value2 ); } This is the answer asked by some one to add two numbers with out using arithmetic operator?Yes this answer is write it given out put as 15.But how????? what is need of following line? int main ( int argc, char* argv [ ] ) how it work?what is the meaning for this line? please explain me.Advance thanks

9 13676

Why data types in all programming languages have some range? Why ritche have disigned first time likethat?Why not a single data type can support all other types?

2 3966

what is mean by Garbage collection ? Please answer me. Advance thanks.

4 5654

main() { int a = 65; printf(“%d %o %x”,a,a,a); } Output 65 101 41 Please explain me.How it is coming like that?

3 6040

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What is the tslint.json file used for?


What is pop in python?


How do I get the microsoft edge icon on my desktop?


What is mousehovertime?


What is the difference between awk and grep?


The BACKTRACKING-SEARCH algorithm in Figure 5.3 has a very simple policy for what to do when a branch of the search fails: back up to the preceding variable and try a different value for it. This is called chronological-backtracking. It is also possible to go all the way to set of variable that caused failure. State whether True or False. a) True b) False


how do i go on about Developing,maintaining,and implementing a mitigating control strategy and provide SAP authorisations support to users? Please help


What are the tables in testplans


List the advantages of bourne again shell or bash.


What are the difference between dispose(), close(), exit(), end()? When do we use them?


Explain what separates the outer core from the mantle above it?


what is bank reconcillation and cash recomcillation?


What are your goals?


What actually happens when you load GUI map?


What is valuation mode in sampling procedure?