What is pdo mysql?
How you will login into any site if it is showing any authentication popup for username and password?
What is the Managed meta data Service?
what is the difference between persistent and non persistent messages?
Explain pickling and unpickling in python?
Explain the difference between unlink() and unset()?
What is the different type of sorting algorithms available in R language?
what is orfics working in main steam line. is it increase pressure, velocity of steam flow and dicrease steam flow rate. or any other
What methods do you use in servlet - applet communication?
When we collapse an infocube, is the consolidated data stored in the same infocube or is it stored in the new infocube?
What is table buffer?
Can we add or delete an element after assigning an array?
What is m script in matlab?
Explain a checkpoint and when does it occur?
How to move a multi-file database?