Which file is used by controller to get mapping information for request routing?
What is a pl/sql block?
Define refrigerant.
What are css3 transitions?
Which is the first space shuttle?
What is the difference between object { } block and companion object { } code block in Kotlin?
Can any one tell me how to write test data. i mean, to test each input, 2 test input(1 for +ve, & other for -ve) are given. so , for example, if i want to write test data for login form, how many test data should i write in test case?
What are the properties of a string class?
What does it mean when the linker says that _end is undefined?
What is css backface-visibility property?
What is the need of a secondary index in IMS?
What are output values and why they are used ?
What are the different taxes that you pay as a consumer?
How to convert an object into json?
What is the GK Value in Flowmeter?