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Encora Interview Questions
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What is Difference between thread and process?

28 259144

when we enter wrongpaasword and wrong userid in login page and click on did not display that error msg. it displays that which page we want. what type of testing is this 1)functional testing 2)security testing

2 5290

what are the functional test cases for enter user name,enter pass word,click on ok(only functional test cases)


we enter that user name field is blank and password field is blank and click on Ok. what type of testing is this 1)functional testing 2)security testing

7 9094

when we are executing the test cases one bug is found.then how will u insert in to the deffect traking tool(in real time how we insert into the deffect tracking tool).please let me know the answer asap plz

1 3759

you found a bug and send it to the developer for rectification but the developer not accepting that bug at that time what will u do?(plz its very urgent give me the best answer plz)

12 16074

Can we have more than 1 partial classes in the same file?

3 8787

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Un-Answered Questions

How do I run a script in linux?


How do you install business content AWB?


What is incremintal loading?


What are the three components of a data table in excel?


What is dl/i?


What are the steps to insert excel worksheet in a word document?


How to find the local host name using winrunner ?


Explain how would you send an email using siebel realtime application?


How the mail flow occur in exchange server 2013?


How dispatch_once runs only once?


In which extra-curricular activities have you participated?


What is the relation between thymus and immune function?


What's new in httpclient and httpclientmodule in angular?


By clicking the file button on a Word document and opening the Print window, Identify what needs to be white box tested and what needs black box testing. (On the black box testing items, identify boundary conditions and equivalence partition testing is possible and give data examples.)


Name some commonly used components in cakaphp?