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Jain Housing Interview Questions
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How much wastage we considered for cement

6 29712

what is water cement ratio in design mix and its percentage in concrete and mortar?

1 5045

concrete coverings outside steel

13 13634

If Seller invoice is within the state and material loaded from other state and deliver within the state then the C Form required or not if required than seller arrange the c Form or Purchaser

2 2741

what will be density of a cement bag if its weight and volume are 50kg and 1.25 cft respectively???????


What is meant by Crystal Concrete?


How many types of Pile Foundation?

1 3057

For Granite Flooring,For Cement Slurry purpose which one is effective of cost control whether OPC or PPC or White cement?


If we don't have drawing for Excavation of building,At what rule we will go for excavation and how much depth will go for a villa?


How we paste the Granite Slabs at External Wall?Is there any chemical compound material was using?

1 2074

What is the Alternative material of cement, We use for Floor tilling and Wall tailing purpose?

1 2737

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Hi can anyone help with projects using load runner. I learnt loadrunner but don't have a hands on experience on it.. it will be very much helpful if some can help me up with a project. can email me:


What are the restrictions that views have to follow? : SQL Server Architecture


Why abstraction is important?


What is the comma to show the space allocation of files?


Why in metering Ct for ammeters ct secondary side is grounded for each Ct but not in case of CBCT (Core balance current transformer)..kindly some1 highlights the it because net flux is zero?


Who developed rxjava?


What are internal tables? How to use a specific number occurs statement?


What are the different methods of data replication in hana?


You wan to limit the display to inbox -workflow tasks only. How can you do that?


What is Multipath I/O?s


Define dynamicobject?


How a tablespace is related to data files?


In few lines, please be elaborative on extras and talents that make you a potential candidate for the post:


Mention the content that is present inside a PPT ?


In keyward driven framework what will be the step for yahoo login page ,inbox logout,plz explain in detail