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CTS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 116127

How do you carry usability testing?

5 16527

Open-Form and Start-Form?

4 18486

what is difference between waterfall model and vmofel?

6 18992

what is test objective?

19 69039

How to insert the data in to the data table from the data base records?

2 7176

Whats a difference between Verification Point and Syncronization point?

6 12362

How can we find size of the object ?

5 12392

To start a transaction how many ways are there and what are they?

12 39539

Which Databases supports for QTP?

3 13089

Differentiate between RAM and ROM?

25 70122

What is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object?

4 12269

Why is Socket used?

3 11993

Does Microsoft Corporation, Sun Microsystems possesing any maturity levels?if yes, what is that level?

1 5285

How do u find Synchronization problems manually?

3 10142

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CTS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the different xslt elements?


Who is the founder of database?


What is the concept of optimization?


What is an example of structure?


What is a divider page?


How to performance tune reports?


What are the 8 primitive data types in java?


Can you share master data between several sales areas?


How to truncate the log in sql server 2012? : sql server database administration


This advertisement for thos who are interested to do job in Domestic Call Center in Kolkata. The details are mentioned below Qualifications: 10+2 Min Skill: Spoken English, Hindi, Bengali. Willing to work as shift wise. Please send your C.V to or call to +91 9874528290


How is the mesoderm of triploblastic animals formed?


Explain the issues regarding classification and prediction?


List the different compression techniques in HANA?


How scary is it to write code for a bank?


Can we publish objects into control room ?