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CG-VAK Interview Questions
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What is normalization? Explain different levels of normalization?

8 59881

where exactly the servlets and jsp's are stored?

6 12399

what is the difference between cursor FETCH and FOR LOOP ?

3 24054

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Un-Answered Questions

Define connull()?


Explain about variables?


What is Event - Delegate? clear syntax for writing a event delegate


What is a walking deck powerpoint?


While the script is running we find some values that may need to be correlated? Is it possible to do manual correlation for those values?


1 Folders in VSS 2 In navigation script there are 100 script i want to run first 50 and 37th script also not needed to run how to do this 3 What is navigation script,Driver script, business script what we are loaded in this script 4 use of resource tab 5 Difference between verification and validation give real scenario example 6 file scripting object when to use it 7 what are the problems you are faced while testing web application 8 difference between expert view and keyword view 9 difference between QTP 8.2 and QTP 9.2 navigation frame work please answer these questions from real time working people as early as possible


What is system bus? Explain a few related terms.


What is the difference between dao and repository?


Explain sql transformation in script mode examples in informatica


How does hashset maintain order?


what do you mean by the field status group?


Which contains in POLE ASSEMBLY of a 11KV Kirloskar-make SF6 (Model No-FP620A12)? Will u clarify with drawing?


in linux what is the last ver to use of bootloader lilo,after lilo not use in linux and only use upper ver grub?


Hi Friends, 1) What precautions i should take as a BI Consultant when it is to UPGRADE the version of ECC (Eg: from R/3 to ECC 6.0)? 2) Will this upgradation affect BI system anyway?


How do you unlock cells in excel for mac?