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Aufait Interview Questions
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What?s the difference between PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE in MyISAM?

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Aufait Interview Questions

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1) Why do you want to take Marketing as your career? Please give a short note. 2) What has been your experience as Marketing Person? What targets were given to you and what was your achievement v/s. target given to you? 3) Explain your organization chart and your position in the same? 4) What is your present cost to the Company? Contd. 3… - 3 - ABOUT MARKETING: 5) What is a typical Sales Cycle? Please explain. 6) If you are selling industrial products, how would you generate new leads? 7) In a new territory, what strategy you would use to meet up as many customers as possible? 8) How would you ensure that Sales Volume and Margins remain healthy? 9) What products or services you have marketed before? 10) What was the best achievement you had so far? 11) What are the first three steps you would take if a customer complaints about your product? 12) What are the main factors for arriving at the costing and pricing of a new product?


What does the 'yield' keyword do in python?


Which version of jquery file should be used?


What is php key?


Explain about different table spaces.


What do you understand by match index?


Can you tell some good coding practices while automation?


How we can call a jsp from the servlet?


What are the main challenges of the internet of things (iot)?


write a note on Testing the web site


Is php 7.0 stable?


What is the default value of "vbroker.agent.port" property?


Define abap/4 layer? : abap data dictionary


How do we find registry key?


What is plugin in codeigniter?