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Cognizant Interview Questions
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What is Facet Testing?

7 71075

Difference between interface and abstract class with ex.

4 8097

How we can transfer balance gl from one fiscal year to another fiscal year? plz, give in detials, it's urgernt.

3 10302

Syntax to find the used space and free space of the Data file in a database(SQL Server). Following queries didn't give the exact Used space and Free Space Information sp_spaceused;DBCC showfilestats;exec MyDbName.dbo.sp_spaceused;SP_HELPFILE Can any one tell me the query for how to find the exact used data file space and free space in a Data File?

2 6722

How to generate the Reports for the Database? I need an Example for it.Will we manually do this or else any script is there? Please let me know ASAP...

1 3278

When we are using this query to shrink the log file,what exactly it will execute internally? Do we lose any data when we run this script? which data it will truncate in the log file and where it is saved. Please let me know... USE DatabaseName GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(, 1) BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(, 1) GO

1 4208

one of my database size is 2gb and Unrestricted Growth for Data file up to 10%.But every day after day I am getting Primary Data file is full 99.999 please take appropriate actions.Why it is? Even disk space is also not full,but still I am getting the alerts.

1 4644

When we are using Dynamic Cache,which options we will select in session level?

1 3567

can u explain abt Pub-Sub Architecture,where do u implemented this?

3 23624

I am running a job with 1000 records.. If the job gots aborted after loading 400 records into target... In this case i want to load the records in the target with 401 record... How will we do it??? This scenario is not for sequence job it's only in the job Ex: Seq file--> Trans--> Dataset..

9 28183

Have anyone got the Cognizant manual testing call letter for interview? Pl reply

2 8420

What is the type of dsl technologies ?

3 7002

There is a table, In one column it has implemented a index, but the index is disturbed by the regular dml statements.. but still we need to keep the index. how it is possible?

1 5751

what is journel entry

3 5629

Difference between Object varification and validation

1 2658

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Cognizant Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the use of pay scale group and pay scale level?


What is a dagger component?


How do I open .msg files?


Explain the typical conformation of the age pyramids of underdeveloped countries?


what is reason of your company position's in india no. 1.


What are the different types of classifiers?


What is a web application?


What are the dynamics specific to businesses


How to create two same tables in different schema’s by using single configuration file?


How to clone an object in javascript?


Explain the Window Azure platform?


List types of Messaging services supported by JMS?


Show how functions and procedures are called in a pl/sql block.


What is the translucent?


Explain .empty() vs .remove() vs .detach() in jquery