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University Exams Interview Questions
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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 153342

Black Box testing attempts to find errors in which of the follwing categories 1)Incorrect or missing functions 2) Interface errors 3)Performence errors?

15 33798

give two examples of plants in which you can find free central placentation?

4 18549

how many flip flops you require for modulo 19 counter

16 61378

distinguish between multi-tasking,multi-user,multi- processing and time sharing?

7 30445

How many ways I can redirect a PHP page?

9 23915

Which of the following is not a Central Government Tax? 1 Income tax 2 Customs 3 Land tax 4 Corporation tax

11 33869

what is the function of commutator in dc motor?

52 167345

what is the difference between fork() & exec()

11 44997

Write a C Program to create a structured data file named Student.dat to store the roll no, name and course. Provide following functions: 1. Accept the values from the user using structure variables. Store the contents in a file. 2. Display the file. 3. The user should be able to add new records to the existing file. And display the new file.

4 40655

hash function,hash table,linked list,binary tree traversal

3 10479

what message is sent to an application when the user presses the primary button?


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Where is the ureter most likely to be injured during pelvic surgery?


How do I convert a word 2010 document to pdf?


----------------Diff b/w Dimensional modeling and Relational modeling?


Can java hashmap have duplicate keys?


What are the elements of css box model?


how do I increase the size of a logical volume?


What does n mean in c++?


What is the default scripting language on the client side?


What does annotated images mean?


What is the font style?


what are the stages of software system engineering process?


Do you know what is recursion? Is it possible for a stored procedure to call itself or recursive stored procedure?


Can an anonymous function be assigned to a variable?


How do cpu threads work?


what are symmetrical and non symmetrical components in electrical installation.