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TelePerformance Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is your salary expectation

38 120819

somebody can help me to fin all the trasncripts for the versant tests the ones DELL make in the phone pleasi i need help!!!

22 56328

Tell me something about urself ?

60 104950

tell something about BPO

12 50207

tell me abot your self

19 39097

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 796393

what yu did yesterday?

16 48785

tell me about your self proper answer sent me my mail id please

9 18715

why do you want to join bpo

134 826655

Speak on a memorable moment in your life for 5 mnts?

49 493268

What is your daily routine?

84 594820

say something about your today's program?

1 7903

What will be the salary for IBM/DELL tech support? ( voice - fresher )

16 63728

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre

30 70041

Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs.

25 429430

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Un-Answered Questions

How would you test your favorite app?


What are some good attributes?


What is government doing for endangered indian species of medicinal plants used in various formulations of ayurveda, unani, siddha and homoeopathy?


describe about storage allocation and scope of global,exterm,static,local and register variables in c language?


Is intelligence inherited?


How do you prevent closed Opportunities from being updated by a non-System Administrator profile declaratively?


3. Use layered architecture for coding. name description 1 abc xxxxxxxxx 2 abc xxxxxxxxx 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select all Clear all Add Delete Name Description Save close


Can a pivot table use multiple sources of data?


How to interact with drupal search systems?


How do you break a while loop?


What happens if I run this command. Driver.get(“”) ;


What is circuit testing?


What information is needed to create a tcp socket?


Define the universe? : sap bobi


How do you decide which integer type to use?