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CarrizalSoft Technologies Client Server General Interview Questions
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What are the five major technologies that can be used to create Client Server applications?

1 4215

What is a File server?

1 3640

What is the Classification of clients?

1 3727

What are called Non-GUI clients, GUI Clients and OOUI Clients?

1 10786

What are the benefits obtained by using the Client Server oriented TP Monitors Client Server applications?

4 6258

what is Upsizing,down-sizing?

4 16537

can you give full infromation about infrared technology, like applications,advantages,disadvatages?

1 3357

Post New CarrizalSoft Technologies Client Server General Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is difference between server and servlet?


Some coders debug their programs by placing comment symbols on some codes instead of deleting it. How does this aid in debugging?


What is logonui exe application error?


What is an Account Team?


How many keywords are there in php?


Explain binding instances?


Explain, java is compatible with all servers but not all browsers?


Write a shell program. Enter number of days from keyboard. Find out the number of years, month and days it contains


Does php 7 support multiple inheritance?


Where should i find checkpoint and virtual objects's Object properties and values in the QTP 9.2 Means where checkpoints or virtual objects related data will store If i want to get the runtime object properties how can i use Getroproperties on Checkpoints


How to connect mongodb with java in eclipse?


What is the extension of the recovery scenario file in qtp?


What happens when the recursion calling is applied on two functions?


A shiny brown colored element ‘x’ on heating in air becomes black in cooler name the element ‘x’and black colored compound formed?


What is the definition of sale?