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College School Exams Tests Interview Questions
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Can we use pure oxygen in IC engines instead of air?? what would be the advantages and disadvantages of using it?? Have any steps been taken about this??

5 12797

full form of xp

30 36482

write a program to produce the following output; ABCDEFGFEDCBA ABCDEF FEDCBA ABCDE EDCBA ABCD DCBA ABC CBA AB BA A A

17 55097

Why there are some equipment(i.e:TV) that using 2-pin plug instead of three? What happen if there is current leakage? Are we going to get electric shock??


hi guys..i m new to php..and want to learn it including the oops concept...can anybody send me some good programming bases exercise or a small learning project on it at know html and going thru some of its websites.But about to go on it practically.plz advice.

1 3414

In inline " expression passed as argument are evalauated once " while in macro "in some cases expression passed as argument are evaluated more than once " --> i am not getting it plz help to make me understand....


Can you write the algorithm for Queue?


• What is BRS, with an example?

7 40845

what is Assets & Liabilities ?

4 6970

How to store pdf file in sql server?

1 6080

example for sub strings ? and refernce modifications whit output pls


What is virtual destructor? Why?

3 5872

what will happen ac motor give to dc supply

9 10200

In Swinburne's Test on D.C.machines, why the efficiency is more when the machine runs as generator than when it runs as motor???

6 36150

What are the key steps involved in formulating treasury policy of a firm?

1 9072

Post New College School Exams Tests Interview Questions

College School Exams Tests Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Draw the symbol of jfet and mosfet.


What are the basic tools required for seo?


Does Python support strongly for regular expressions?


how will u use com+ register


What are record types?


How remove all from arraylist?


How oracle flex asm works?


How we can create a table in pl/sql block. Insert records into it? Is it possible by some procedure or function? Please give example?


What is css3 responsive web design?


what is the difference between keyword driven frame work and data driven frame work.


Explain component decorators in angular 4?


What is the very first thing you must specify in a solidity file?


What are 4 types of operating systems?


How to implement social login authentication in Django ?


What are the parts of an application window?