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Nokia Solutions and Networks Interview Questions
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explain call flow in gsm???

2 2739

explain sampling theorem??

2 3185

explain osi model???

1 2882

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Tell me what http servers and java servlet engine combinations are supported with peopletools 8.4?


Is there a rule of thumb to estimate the footprint of a cooling tower during design phase?


Why does physical exertion increase symptoms of poisoning by trematol?


What are your views on Kashmir issue?


Hi Friends , am newbie to ajax. For example just consider one account registration - A form contains 8 text fields with submit button. In this form second texbox contains "username " . On right side of text box there is a label box . On clilck action i need to determine user is available or not. Is it possible on clicking label or should i click submit button.


How to schedule the payments and interface for the service contracts?


Explain foreach() operation in apache spark?


How to associate functions with objects using javascript?


Please colleagues I need to choice a proper hopper shape for a Fertilizer bulk blender flowing throut a high humidity raw material like zeolite, so we are in doubt whether use squard or rectangular hopper shape to avoid the so call voul effect that can create obstruction


How to remove the new line character from the end of a text line?


What are the uses of List View Control?


Explain the difference between cocoa and cocoa touch?


How can the issue associated with high CPU usage be solved?


How is transformation on rdd different from action?


Please tell us that is jquery knockkout intended to compete with jquery or prototype or work with it?