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Government Interview Questions
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What is the rating of your capacitor bank at your company.

36 76258

Explain the general properties of Enzymes ?

8 31302

The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with (a) Panchayati Raj (b) Compulsory Primary Education (c) Nagar Palikas (d) Minimum age for marriage

10 21503

Out of all the Union territories only one has a High Court of its own. This Union Territory is: (a) Chandigarh (b) Delhi (c) Lakshadweep (d) Pondicherry

10 42525

Who is the final authority for interpreting the Indian Constitution? (1) The President (2) The Sepaker of Lok Sabha (3) Parliament (4) Supreme Court

15 49298

Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State? (1) The Governor (2) The Speaker (3) The President of India (4) The Governor in consultation with the Speaker

6 40484

The Chairman of the National Commission of Human Rights is (1) Justice V.R. Varm (2) Justice Anand (3) Justice V.R. Krishna Ayyer (4) Justice Jayachandra Reddy

7 12866

how can passed exam of LIBRARY JOB AS--- ASST- LIBRARIAN/ LIBRARIAN.

6 10957

what is portfolio

30 36157

why do you think this course will be benefit to you?

6 57834

the largest sector bank in india is

7 6928

can any one post Previous question papers of Assistant statistical officers(ASO). which is conducted by APPSC.

30 35250

how to calculate the steel for rcc slab? plz tell me the formula for calculating the steel?

36 398685

what is n tier ?

1 3325

what is general insurance? name 5 types of general insurance.

15 87418

Post New Government Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How internet journalism is different from electronic media?


Explain about the case statement present in stored procedure?


What is the difference between iterator and enumeration ?


What type of information do you enter to define for a server definition?


What is css in


Give some examples for test management tools?


Differences between connected and unconnected lookup?


What is difference between ienumerable and list?


Are you a team player or a leader?


why you want to become artictecture


What is Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana?


after creating lock object if does n't access record by second user what should we do?


How has your experience been at your institute of graduation? What were your key takeaways?


How do in-process and cross-process communication work in the common language runtime?


What is the difference between wpf (windows presentation foundation) and microsoft silverlight?