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Can we see the copy book length using file-aid?


Hi SD Gurus, Have you worked with an ABAPer for Smart Scripts / Smart Forms/ Form Lay outs used for Output Determination for your client’s requirement? Please provide detailed Explanation along with Configuration & Customization procedure, Steps, Analysis, path, t-codes and solution to the above questions as soon as possible? Also provide the logic for arriving at the resolution? If you can give simple example with simple coding written by ABAPer it would be great? Please include your real time data examples as many as possible with relation to your client/ Project? It’s Urgent!!!!!! I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


i have a csv file as source and need to sink as csv. But i have to create a sequence number in source(surrogate key) without using surrogate key function. kindly help me out on this .


I have two queries in first query i have to show all values,in second query i have to show 3 values and want to hide 3 values what prompt ur going to use, why that prompt


How to use the socket(2) Function?


What are some statistical distribution functions provided by tensorflow?


Tell me how do I escape data before storing it into the database?


Do I need to change a data volume configuration which does not correspond to the recommendations of this note?


What are the different type of joins in sql?


Curing time for 1)R.C.C slab 2)B.W 3)Plastering


What is difference between jdbc and hibernate?


What is the use of code page?


Does cassandra support acid tractions?


Why we use jquery .each() function?


Explain python’s parameter-passing mechanism?