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What is the latest version of ambari that is available in the present market?


How are standard query operators implemented in linq?


What are the uses of servlet


What is the bash in linux?


What is comp-1 and comp-2?


1. What ports does FTP traffic travel over? 2. What ports does mail traffic utilize? 3. What ports do HTTP and HTTPS use? 4. Why is NTP required in an NFS network? 5. Name some common mal software on the server side 6. What is CPAN? How do you access it? 7. What is PEAR? 8. What advantages does mod_perl have over a perl CGI? 9. What is required to do SSL in Apache 1.x? 10. What is Tcl? 11. What is a servlet engine/container? 12. What is BIND? 13. Name the steps to setup a slave zone in BIND 14. Name the steps to setup a primary zone in BIND 15. What commands would you use under Solaris or Linux to modify/view an LDAP tree?


Discuss on consumer credit card.


What are the three js files that are required to setup a working environment for backbone.js?


Can you please explain the procedure of connecting testdirector in qtp?


What are the dis-advantages of logical databases? : abap hr


How does an ajax call work?


What is url encoding and decoding in php?


Is mysql and sql are same?


What is the role of replication server in sybase?


After we create a scd table, can we use that particular dimension as a dimension table for star schema?