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Bharti Interview Questions
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What is the most effective team you have ever been a part of ?

1 5174

what was ur role in team?

2 5746

How do you feel u contributed to its effectiveness?


Describe a time when u have taken on a particularly challenging or stretching target. What made it so nchallenging for u?

1 4607

What is VTS?

8 13186

If not into production, how far did you follow the design and why did not you see it into production?


Which of the following States in India is landlocked ? (a) Orissa (b) West Bengal (c) Maharashtra (d) Haryana

10 35569

What is the latest version in QTP?

55 57618

tell me about yourself ?

57 271522

What is a difference between ISDN PRI & Channelised E1 ?

4 13266

. India has (1) 15 states (2) 21 states (3) 29 states (4) 26 states

4 6649

Why You Have Chosen Sales Profile?

8 21167

what are the types of basic earthing?and why we are doing that?

3 6418

what is markiting.

11 13681

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly help out how to overcome my disability.

10 27060

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Un-Answered Questions

What was the last computer book you purchased? Why?


How to create a simple user defined function in ms sql server?


what is the relative size of single and three phase?


What is the order of execution of table calculation, lod, reference lines?


What is the purpose of store statement?


What is step up chopper?


recently release the 6.0 version not succede in the market why?


List three advantages of the packet switching technique compared with that of circuit switching.


Is WCT paid to be considered as overhead during costing in construction firm?


What are the most common interview questions on ETL Testing for experience?


Please provide details of the following standards :rs-23-c 802.3 x.25 802.11?


Which types of inheritances does c# support?


What is recommended way to install django?


why we use 96 well plate in ELISA plate reader?


Doesn’t google have its very own version of dfs?