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BGR Energy Interview Questions
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What is your Future Plans for the Company if Permanently Employed?

19 184225

i need bhel engineer trainee electronic test questions

10 12983

Waht is the level of criticallity in Project management for a Project which is started in maintenance Phase ? Which phase of Project management theory must be more focused for such kind of projects .

6 16697

The Project which is handled by you is in RED, customer has given you 4 weeks to show improvement, still nothing has worked out. The Customer again gives 3 weeks to improve and you do your best to improve, but nothing works out. Now the customer is not at all happy, HOW TO CONVINCE THIS CUSTOMER ???

8 21403

What Normal(Tangent) towers and Tension(Cut-point) Towers?

1 5237

what are the steps to commissioning a DCS system?

2 15632

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how you test data throughput in femtocell?and what is the data throughput?


How to track the requirement from bugzilla tools? As our project requirement are changing frequestly and all are tracked in bugzilla tool. How to manage all as all project having short term duration. Please reply back ASAP? Thanks in advanced?


What are the tools used for editing in iis?


How would you rate your listening skills?


how to display xisheet in list box in c# .net


Explain the effects of power control?


How will you apply border to a page?


What are some ways in which a company can reduce the need of inventories?


How do I enable remote access to postgresql database?


what is the difference between embedded system and PLC. Whether the micro controller accept future expansion of program?


explain requirement class and requiremnt type in detail with business examples


.find the output of the following program? char*myfunc(char*ptr) { ptr +=3; return (ptr); } int main() { char*x,*y; x="HELLO"; y=myfunc(x); printf("y = %s ",y); return 0; }


Difference between call by value and call by reference? : abap data dictionary


Why is epoch 1970?


What is the current stable version of php? What advance thing in php7?