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Yash Technologies Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Brief scenario of check table / value table?

8 44337

what is the difference between alternative calcluation type & alternative condition base value?

4 19192

company is dealing vth the hardware and software products. acustomer can purchase both kind of material then company wants to maintain the credit limits diffrently as per the hardware/software wise. where can we do this configuration?

8 12485

How to information transfer

3 7461

What are the types of special stocks available?

4 30341

Why you use repository connectivity?

3 7315

In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default? Eg: 1/10/2006 and 31/10/2006

4 20927

what is full form ECC 5.0

20 34507

If HR person asked tell me about yourself then what is the sequence points to tell him the answer

33 87380

what is the use of CTU_PARAMS when we working with BDC?

4 33830

what is difference between update and modify

12 48486

What is the diffrence between select single * and Select upto 1 row?

6 20024

what is the use of private constructor in core java?

3 18332

how to check the 3ph capacitor is good or not.

14 55046

Can anybody plz give some important tables related to sap fico.Ex:-GL/AP/AR/AA/CO

2 10545

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Un-Answered Questions

Explain the use of galvanometer?


What is the major difference between zend_auth and zend_acl?


what is fixed bearing?


What does rack awareness algorithm means and why is it utilized as a part of hadoop?


What is oxc0000005?


Does .NET Framework support SAX?


What are the types of schemas we have in data warehouse.


What is the difference between db2 and oracle?


Explain me what is meta data, master data and transaction data?


What is the usage of open cursor command?


How do I insert blank rows in excel when values are changed?


Is spark better than mapreduce?


Explain about asset master?


What are the key factors to consider in replicating the existing r/3 sales orders to crm? What do we lose if we do not replicate these sales order's over?


. If employee B is the boss of A and C is the boss of B and D is the boss of C and E is the boss of D. Then write a program using the Database such that if an employee name is Asked to Display it also display his bosses with his name. For eg. If C is displayed it should also display D and E with C?