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Yahoo Interview Questions
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Describe your classroom's physical appearance?

9 102713

what is mutation testing?

15 27532

Explain about error handling in php?

1 6659

How to find out, how a user visited a particular page?

4 7495

What does the top command display?

10 21219

What is the error message that you would get if you try to assign "Null" to an integer variable?

4 6272

What is the basic difference you find between a shell script and perl?

3 18012

Is running apache as a root is a security risk?

3 10187

In which State reason soft is there ???


Has employer came India and took interview?


Yahoo Placement Paper Written Test Experience -September 2006

1 12349

What?s the default port for MySQL Server?

4 7933

Explain the difference between FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL.

14 70628

In how many ways we can retrieve the date in the result set of mysql using PHP?

5 16949

What do you understand by nutritive constituents of food ?

3 11828

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Yahoo Interview Questions

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Explain the types of data types?


What is the full form of xsl?


List out the differences between AngularJS and NodeJS?


how is a file of the size 1 GB uncompressed


what is the difference between winnt,2000,xp,2003?


What is the difference between JDBC 1.0 and JDBC 2.0?


Can you write the algorithm for Queue?


Are you comfortable with changing cities for the job?


You work for a large manufacturing plant. You're in the Initiation process of a new project for an overseas product release. This is the company's first experience in the overseas market, and they hope to make a big splash with the introduction of this product. The project entails producing your product in a concentrated formula and packaging it in smaller containers than the U.S. product uses. A new machine is needed in order to mix the first set of ingredients in the concentrated formula. Which of the following actions should the project manager take? A. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and recommend the project proceed. B. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and assume the project is a go. C. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and recommend a feasibility study be performed. D. The project manager should document the project's goals and known deliverables in a high-level overview document and deliver it to the stakeholders.


What is the function of chain reordering?


How do you delete undeletable files on a mac?


What is the batch in machine learning?


What is the main use of ms outlook?


Which wavelengths are visible to human eye?


Can you explain the term, Cassandra?