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Yahoo Interview Questions
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Describe your classroom's physical appearance?

9 102698

what is mutation testing?

15 27493

Explain about error handling in php?

1 6652

How to find out, how a user visited a particular page?

4 7490

What does the top command display?

10 21213

What is the error message that you would get if you try to assign "Null" to an integer variable?

4 6261

What is the basic difference you find between a shell script and perl?

3 18004

Is running apache as a root is a security risk?

3 10182

In which State reason soft is there ???


Has employer came India and took interview?


Yahoo Placement Paper Written Test Experience -September 2006

1 12342

What?s the default port for MySQL Server?

4 7920

Explain the difference between FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL.

14 70531

In how many ways we can retrieve the date in the result set of mysql using PHP?

5 16940

What do you understand by nutritive constituents of food ?

3 11821

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Yahoo Interview Questions

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How do you calculate the length of a string?


Explain your experience with sustainable soil management practices, including crop rotation, cover cropping, and organic farming techniques.


What is a package in oracle?


Which univalent element cannot form alums and why?


If there is a change in the object type eg: A button is changed as link, 1. How to edit that in the shared object repository. 2.What options are available to edit the object within shared object repository other than copy from loca; 3.What would be the effect of the change in Coded Scripts within QTP and Functions stored in .vbs file which are loaded and used in QTP


Inspection for intermediate shaft bearing.


How to remove 2 duplicate records and copy only one using job control language?


What is nslookup command?


which is the best mba specialization for cse students in marketing,finance,hr?


Is exe is machine dependent?


What is angular and why it is used?


What does msil do?


How much does it cost to upgrade from windows 10 s to pro?


What do you mean by the csrf_token?


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