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United Healthcare Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

If we hire you, and then another company will offer you more money - what will you do?

26 47772

What percentage of discounts lost did you have in Accounts Payable? Did the percentage increase or decrease under your supervision?

1 12842

how to generate id in testdirector? a) Td id 1 b) td id 2 c) td id 3 d) td id 4 which is correct answer please any one of the tell me and mail me


write test cases on calculator

8 83078

why do u want to join this company

6 22537

How did you spent your last day,sunday,?

66 432285

what are the risks you faced with loadrunner


Can we rollback records deleted by a truncate statement?

3 7581

How many types of indexes are there in SQL Server?

6 10285

How many types of TRIGGERS are there in MS SQL Server?

8 28806

Difference between: - Delete & Truncate - Table & View - Constraints & Triggers

1 4949

Difference b/w Clustered & non-clustered index? Not the bookish definition, but how they internally works in SQL Server?

1 4996

Can we execute a stored procedure inside a trigger?

6 22859

Can anyone please answer the below question on Manual Testing: Tell me about atleast 5 bugs you come across in your last testing?


how to introduce our self different to the interviewer


Post New United Healthcare Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain job processing?


What do you think holds the testers back to do automation? Is there a way to overcome it?


What is the optimal bounce rate for website?


How to use tomcat server as an http server?


what is roles and authorization??? During text determination procdure i dont want any one to change the text in transaction how to do it???


What is the concept of sub-query in terms of sql?


How do you load alternate records into different tables through mapping flow?


wat is test management ?what are the components available in test management?


What is power save mechanism?


What are some of the pros and cons of not dropping the sql server builtinadministrators group? : sql server security


How do I view a sql trace file?


What is the meaning of c++?


What is an error log table in informatica occurs and how to maintain it in mapping?


Is negative mass antimatter?


What are the types of resultset?