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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Explain SD and MM Flow?

12 65699

How Client will contact the Bean?

3 7876

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 68588

working of a diesel generator.

34 168825

What is share script?

15 56634

Difference between String & StringBuffer

16 52215

can we add fields to SAP Standard tables. ? Do SAP tables have indexes. ?

5 24892

What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?

10 39004

What is INBOUND and OUT BOUND? (Different types of interfaces)

17 123549

What is FORWARD DECLARATION in Packages?

6 49555

2.main { int x,j,k; j=k=6;x=2; x=j*k; printf("%d", x);

9 28737

f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?

9 17392

How do you declare a host variable (in COBOL) for an attribute named emp-name of type VARCHAR(25) ?

2 10468

What are the different methods of accessing db2 from tso? How is the connection established between TSO & DB2?

3 12385

what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?

3 16615

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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are common uses and/or applications for ai?


Why paging is used in os?


What is the pic clause for the any bll cell type of data fields?


in single linked list , each node contains data and address of next node. if middle of list the node is damaged/crashed then how to find where the link is failed and how to get the all the data which is stored after the crashed node?


what is the reason for indication of light in the earth lamps of main switchboard.if there is an earth why does one lamp get dim and the other two bright.


How racism can be abolished in the society?


How do you view a pivot table in excel?


How do I connect to jdbc?


From which base class do all Web Forms inherit from?


What are the characteristics of cloud architecture that separates it from traditional one?


Examine the specification for NFS version 2 and 3 what are the chief difference? Does version 3 make any changes that are visible or important to a programmer?


How to align

right/left in html?


What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?


How do you make sure your browser is activex enabled?


What are the row-based and column based approach?