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TCS Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 491417

Describe a complex problem you have solved or haven't solved?

9 37780

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 59233

What are your Greatest strengths and weaknesses?

47 175972

What do you expect of others in a team environment?

12 33908

How do you establish working relationships with new people?

11 40377

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 51214

what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 105365

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?

10 54582

What is your biggest strength ?

23 61590

what is tracebility matrix?

8 24240

what is test plan and what it consists?

15 57647

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

11 21839

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

3 7947

What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?

4 27486

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TCS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is sqlca?


1. If I send 5 entries of table from one system to another system, if the only 4 entries there in the target system what I have to do? 2. If I send the customer master IDOC from one SAP system to another system, if one field is missing in target table what is the steps? 3. If I want to access the 4th row 3rd column in the hashed table how to do it? 4. Whether there is any other statement than MODIFY statement to modify the content of internal table?


what is difference between isolation and ultra isolation transformer?, what is the method of testing ?


a private address will borrow ? bits from the HOST to give one 120 subnets - range = ?


What is encoder in deep learning?


Difference between display attribute and navigational attribute?


What is a singleton pattern and where we can find it in angular?


function modules are also external subroutines. State true or false. : abap modularization


What is dequeue in data structure?


explain how do we do authentication with message digest(md5)? (Usually md is used for finding tampering of data)


How to write testcases for unread/read mails for gamil inbox? and what are the types of testing you do on them?


Can you use environment variable to change the value between session?


Is robotic automation platform of blue prism auditable and verified?


What is a representational state transfer(rest) in angularjs?


suppose I having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run remaining interfaces?