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Sutherland Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 498765

Why TCP and IP are written all together as TCP/IP?

8 31281

How long would you stay with us?

25 71863

i have done computers,i want to go to tech support interviews,i have basic hardware knowledge,what type of questions they are asking inthis interviews,pls send me interview questions

1 7414

Given that a,b,c,d,e each represent one of the digits between 1-9 and that the following multiplication holds a b c d e 4 ---------- e d c b a What digit does e represent a) 4 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) none

8 27502

tell me about yourself

12 28218

Differentiate between ROM and RAM?

6 14992

Tell me about yourself?

4 13402

why do u want to join a call centre?

40 85017

why u left the previousjob

7 17603

why do u want to join a call centre?

9 21464

find the sum of all the numbers 1 to 1000

14 54940

what is mean by 32 and 64 bit appplication

6 14941

Have you visited UK?

1 6269

Tell us about yourself.

47 115604

Post New Sutherland Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Where do you specify them?


What is Metadata service of MSCRM?


mention hazard experienced during installation


What is the sql query to display the current date?


purpose of abstraction and interface


How to size fuse? How to size MCB?


What is the base class from which web forms are inherited?


Define friend function.


what is child order


can anybody help me to solve this problem. the program that i m checking display error message saying "Record format for file AJDSPFFD does not match model file and decimal error. how to solve this problem. The AJDSPFFD is snapshot the AJTLOG that is the audit trail list.


What controls the screen flow?


How would you use the functions randomize() and random()?


What is namespacing in javascript and how is it used?


Define outer join in sql server joins?


What do you mean by the servlet chaining?